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Important Collaboration from SASA

İbrahim Erdemoğlu, Chairman of the SASA Board of Directors, says, “SASA will continue to use the latest technologies in the world in all Erdemoğlu Holding affiliates, while walking towards its goals, as it has done so far.”

SASA will build the world's largest Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) unit, which has the capacity to produce 1 million tons of propylene per year, by using the latest generation Honeywell Oleflex technology, in Yumurtalık. The information provided also states that this project of SASA will take place between 2023 and 2026 and covers the construction of a PDH production facility with an annual capacity of 1 million tons and a container port.


Expressing that they aim to make Turkey one of the three largest polyester producers in the world and have a say on a global scale, İbrahim Erdemoğlu, Chairman of the SASA Board of Directors, said, “SASA is Turkey's largest polyester and polymer producer with a sustainable growth perspective. SASA will continue to use the latest technologies in the world in all Erdemoğlu Holding affiliates, while walking towards its goals, as it has done so far.”

In this context, Erdemoğlu specifies that they have collaborated with Honeywell UOP Oleflex, which uses the world's most important and new technologies, in the new facility they will build in Yumurtalık.

Uygar Doyuran, Turkey, Israel, and Central Asia President of Honeywell, said, “Our Oleflex technology, which we will use in the Yumurtalık facility that SASA will build, will ensure that it will produce low-cost propylene utilizing its unique, highly active, and environmentally friendly catalyst supported by innovations made in dehydrogenation technology by Honeywell UOP for more than 75 years and that, in this way, it will take part in the growing propylene market.”

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