Mehmet Erdemoğlu Foundation

Mehmet Erdemoğlu Foundation

Our Honorary President, the late Mehmet Erdemoğlu, has adopted the principle of sharing a certain part of his earnings, and he built schools, mosques and health centers, especially educational scholarships, in his healthy times. After his death in 2006, this tradition was continued by his children and the Mehmet Erdemoğlu Foundation was established in 2010.

There are dozens of schools, faculties, dormitories, mosques, condolence houses, health centers built by the Mehmet Erdemoğlu Foundation.

Erdemoğlu Holding has made it a principle to share its gains with social responsibility projects.

We will continue with stronger investments in the future of our beautiful country on this path drawn by our Honorary President, the late Mehmet Erdemoğlu.

Mehmet Erdemoğlu Vakfı
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