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SASA that operates in Turkey's polyester fiber, filament, and polymer sectors announces that it will make new investments in the forthcoming period. İbrahim Erdemoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Erdemoğlu Holding

SASA that operates in Turkey's polyester fiber, filament, and polymer sectors has announced that it will make new investments in the forthcoming period. İbrahim Erdemoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Erdemoğlu Holding, said, "We reached a 425 million-dollar production capacity thanks to the facility put into service this year. We will increase that figure to two billion dollars, with the two new facilities to be put into service in 2020 through an 800 million-dollar investment." Expressing that they are a candidate for the acquisition of the 8.5-million square-meter land that was previously allocated to the Çalık Holding in Yumurtalık, Erdemoğlu said, "We will make an 11,5 billion-dollar investment there by 2031. When we do so, we will prevent Turkey's annual deficit of five billion dollars. Once it was transformed into products and exported, we will prevent its current deficit of 12 to 15 billion dollars and take place among the top five in the world.”

Source: Hürriyet News

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