Burst In Purchase Orders Causes Advancing Of Investments
Good news is received from industrial companies during the normalization process that started after the COVID-19 outbreak. The Erdemoğlu Holding, one of Turkey's major industrial groups, has started to receive significant amounts of purchase orders globally for its two main business areas, petrochemicals, and carpet.
Dinarsu and Merinos, the Gaziantep-based company of the group, which is the largest integrated carpet manufacturer in the world, had spent the whole April closed. In May, the order boom started from the export markets of Dinarsu and Merinos. While the production realized with 120 gigantic machines reached to 100 percent capacity, the company intended to make 30 new machinery investments. The new investments of the carpet group, which makes sales to giants such as Walmart and Home Depot, will be around 40 million Euros. In the carpet group, a new facility will be established from scratch in the wall-to-wall carpet area. Erdemoğlu Holding, who bought 170 acres of land right across the Dinarsu factory in Gaziantep, has advanced the investment 6 months earlier. It is stated that the amount of the new investment will reach 100 million dollars.
Mehmet Erdemoğlu, a board member of Dinarsu and Merinos companies of Erdemoğlu Holding, said, “Our companies received record breaking orders from the USA and Europe. We reached 100% capacity. We are trying to fulfill the orders".
Mehmet Erdemoğlu said that they have the highest capacity in the world in the field of carpet and said, “We have advanced our wall-to-wall carpet investments” Orders postponed for 3 months are falling on our business agenda with full speed”.
In the carpet group of Erdemoğlu Holding, where 10 thousand people work, 4 thousand people are currently employed. With new investments, a thousand new jobs will be created for the carpet group.
Its share in the carpet market increases to 7%
Erdemoğlu Holding, the world's largest machine-made carpet manufacturer, will increase its market share from 5% to 7% by the end of 2021. Anticipating to close 2020 with 20 percent growth in the carpet group, Merinos and Dinarsu export more than 85% of their carpet production. Merinos and Dinarsu meet 22% of the total carpet exports to Europe. It realizes 16% of total exports to America and 8% of sales to Asia and the Middle East by itself. 1 out of 4 carpets sold in Germany are produced by Merinos.
SASA Polyester also increases its exports
Adana-based SASA is one of the world's leading manufacturers of polyester, fiber, filament, polyester-based polymers, intermediate products, and specialty products. It became the most important supplier of packaging health, hygiene, and medical products in the epidemic. It started to receive significant amounts of purchase orders from Europe. Export, which started in May in the European market, especially to Italy, continues with increasing momentum in June. Starting from the second half of last month, demand from many European countries focused especially on chips and fiber products. Mehmet Şeker, Member of the Board of SASA, said “We will increase the share of exports of automotive, textile, health and hygiene areas in turnover from 30 percent to 35-40 percent at SASA,” SASA is expected to fill the gap from China, especially in Europe.