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Contribution From SASA To Employment And Social Life

SASA that has been reanimated by the ERDEMOĞLU family will provide contribution to social life by means of building a nursery, along with creating value for the economy and being a door for employment.

SASA that has been reanimated by the ERDEMOĞLU family will provide contribution to social life by means of building a nursery, along with creating value for the economy and being a door for employment.

One of Adana's most important industrial facilities,  SASA has added a new one to its social responsibility projects. SASA that acts under the Erdemoğlu Holding will make a nursery to provide contributions in women’s participation in working life. Dr. Mehmet Şeker, Member of the SASA Board of Directors, reminded that SASA that adds value to the economy of the town and creates employment also serves for the people living in it, through social  projects.  Şeker mentioned that they have at all times been together with executives who serve for people, and said, "We promised to make a nursery school as a social responsibility project and now we will keep it."


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