İbrahim Erdemoğlu Ranks 14 Among Generous Business People - The Sabah News-
İbrahim Erdemoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Erdemoğlu Holding, ranked 14 in Capital’s research of Turkey's 50 Generous Businesspeople that it organized for the fifth time this year, thanks to his donations and charitable deeds. The Erdemoğlu Holding that has investments in carpets, textiles, home textiles, chemistry, and other different areas respects the environment and nature...
The Erdemoğlu Holding stands out with its social aids and social responsibility projects, while providing substantial contributions to the economy of the country through its understanding of sustainable production and service since 1970. Having constructed schools in many areas of Turkey through its colossal investments in education along with the implementation of its social responsibility projects, the Erdemoğlu Holding took the 14th place in the listing of Generous Businesspeople in 2019, through its 38 million–lira donations. Recently, it provided support to the process of dealing with the pandemic by donating three million liras in cash to the 'My Turkey, We Suffice Each Other' campaign. It continued its support by disseminating 30 thousand boxes of food across its employees and public upon the commencement of the pandemic process. Since the day of its incorporation, it has built schools, condolence houses, mosques, community clinics, and Mehmet Erdemoğlu School of Architecture and Engineering in Adıyaman's district of Besni and presented them to the service of the public. İbrahim Erdemoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Erdemoğlu Holding, states that they will continue to provide contributions to the country, the state, and the public as far as they have the means to do so. İbrahim Erdemoğlu said, “We, as the Erdemoğlu family, continue to provide our support and contribution to the development of our country hand in hand with our public, our employees, and our state on the path shown by Late Mehmet Erdemoğlu, our father and Honorary President. We will also keep on supporting and contributing nonstop in all areas where our country is in need, particularly education, in the future. According to our principles, we are only the custodians of the wealth we have acquired. All the investments are the commodity of this country and will remain so. We consider it our duty to provide contributions to our public, our employees, and our state as best as we can. Many of our social responsibility projects especially in the field of education are ongoing.”
The Sabah News
8 July 2020